Warrior Best In Slot Shadowlands
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- Warrior Best in Slot (BiS) Gear Classic – Gates of Discord Use these guides as a tool to help yourself decide on how you want to gear. Do what works for you. Unforunately I cannot keep redoing videos, so some of the items may be a bit off since I initially made them, but I can always updated the list below if there is something I missed.
- Aug 08, 2021 Best Protection Warrior Trinkets in Shadowlands Tanks have limited choices when it comes to good, useful defensive trinket options. Additionally, due to the diminishing returns of defensive gearing (you can't block a boss to death), and tanks naturally having considerably higher attack power than melee DPS specs due to Mastery, DPS trinkets are very competitive.
- The best Raiding Legendary for Arms Warriors is dependent on your choice of Covenant, with each having a slightly different priority. Enduring Blow is best for Night Fae and Kyrian Warriors, and although it is a very straightforward bonus it helps emphasize the use of Mortal Strike during the execute phase.
Prot Warrior Bis 9.0.5
Rarely ever taken.
War Banner
Something fury should have for PvP talent (though i’d like to see this be baseline)
Wow Shadowlands Arms Warrior Best In Slot
Fury does not look like it will be able to compete at higher ratings
Fury Warrior Best In Slot Shadowlands
I mean… we won’t know until the season actually starts. As of right now, arms doesn’t look like it will do at higher rating, but how would I know? The game isn’t out yet. And honestly, people should stop worrying about how a spec does at the top of a ladder. Cause most players that complain don’t play at that level.
Prot Warrior Tbc Prebis
It’s the same ole “only 1 warrior is 3k!!!” argument.