Learn Craps Free


Craps 101

Craps is easily the most intimidating game inthe casino. The layout looks like some kind of crazy puzzle and thereare seemingly dozens of different bets, governed by complicated rules. So we’lldo our best in this lesson to make this crash course as painless as possible.

The trick to making it easy

The trick to making craps easy is simple: Learn only what you need to know,and ignore everything else. You can play craps by knowing just one bet, the PassLine bet, so that’s what we’ll teach you here. You can certainly learn all the otherbets if you want (see our list of bets article), but fornow the Pass Line is all you need to know.

Buying Chips

2 days ago This is my buggy version one of craps. I highly recommend you ignore this game and play version 2 instead. Great Way To Learn The Game Of Craps. What's the best way to master the game of craps? Practice play for free is your best bet to learn! It is beneficial to all whether a beginner, advanced, low or high roller. Craps is a dice game in which the players make wagers on the outcome of the roll, or a series of rolls, of a pair of dice. In Craps, Players wager money against the casino which is also known as bank, hence the game gets the name Casino Craps or Bank Craps. Our game comes with a standard casino craps table, beautiful graphics and Stick man calls. Our free craps game is the ideal introduction to playing craps online but once you have mastered it, then what? Well, the answer is simple to find yourself an online casino and start playing online craps games for real money.You can find a selection of the best online craps casinos in the list below so browse through these and find one for yourself to profit with your skills acquired on our.

The first thing you’ll need is chips. Just put your cash down on the table andthe dealer will give you chips for it. They don’t make change, so any money youput down will be turned into chips. But you don’t have to bet all of it. When you’redone playing just take any chips you have left to the cashier booth to turn themback into cash. The minimum bet for the table will be listed on a sign at the table,usually $5 or less.

Shooting the Dice

The players all take turns rolling the dice although everyone’s betting on the sameroll. You’ll win or lose your bets whether you’re the one rolling or not. And youdon’t have to roll the dice if you’d rather not; when it’s your turn you can justpass to someone else. Whoever’s rolling, they keep rolling until they roll a losing7, known as “sevening-out”. We’ll go over that later.

Only the Totals matter

All numbers below refer to the total of both dice. When we talk about rollinga 3, we’re never talking about getting a 3 on one of the dice, we’re alwaystalking about getting a total of three on both dice. Make sure you’re clearon that or it will get confusing….

The main bet: The Pass Line

This is the main bet in craps, and most players make it. (They also make a lot ofbad bets in addition to this one, but there’s no rule that says you have to beton anything else.) The Pass Line bet has a house edge (casino profit) of only 1.41%,making it one of the better bets in the casino.

To make the Pass Line bet, first wait until the dealer turns the big hockey puckto “OFF”, which means that a new round is about to start. Once the puck goes toOFF, put your chip(s) on the area marked Pass Line. (See the “A” on the pictureabove.) The shooter then picks up the dice to roll them. The first roll of a roundis called the Come Out roll, and here’s what happens depending on what (s)herolls:

7 or 11You win. The shooter then rolls another Come Out roll. 2, 3, or 12You lose. The shooter then rolls another Come Out roll. 4,5,6,8,9,10Enter the Point round. (more on this below) So you’re either going to win,lose, or go to the Point round. If you win the dealer will pay you the amount ofyour bet. (If you’d bet a $5 chip, they’ll give you another $5 chip.) If you losethen they’ll take your chip away.If you didn’t win or lose right away then you go to the Point round, and the dealerturns the hockey puck to ON and places it on the number that was rolled (4,5,6,8,9,or 10). That number is called the Point. Now you’ll win if the shooter rolls thePoint again, and you’ll lose if (s)he rolls a 7 first. Rolling a 7 before rollingthe point again is called sevening out.

Learn Craps Free

So to summarize:

  • Win by rolling a 7 or 11 on the Come Out roll, or rolling the point twice.
  • Loseby rolling a 2, 3, or 12 on the Come Out roll, or rolling a 7 before rolling thepoint twice.

The Pass Line bet is the only bet you have to know for craps. You could go playcraps now with what you’ve already learned. And in fact, by just making the PassLine bet you’ll have a better chance of winning than most craps players, since mostplayers make sucker bets which are just throwing money away.

But even though you know enough to play craps now, you really should learn justone more bet, which will increase your chances of winning even more. We cover thaton our separate page about the Free Odds bet….

Craps basics : Craps is a dice game taken part with dice. It is a game of probability! There is no skill in playing Online Casino Craps. ( Play Craps Online )Each time the dice are rolled, the probabilities of any set of numbers coming out are always exactly the same.The game is divided into two separate parts, acknowledged as the coming out phase as well as the point phase.

The coming out phase : During this part, the player’s intension is to roll either a 7 or an 11 as betting over the pass line. In case a Craps is rolled, indicating a 2, 3 or 12, this bet loses. A point is set once a player rolls a 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 or 10.

The point phase : During this part, very similar number like the point is required to be rolled sooner than a 7 is rolled.


Craps betting strategy : This will take a moment to learn however as soon as a fresh player grabs the reason following the strategy, the game is simple to play. An option is to bet over the ‘don’t pass’ bet. This indicates that over the initial or else ‘come out’ roll, the player will win over a craps and lose over 7 or else 11 roll. In case a point is set, this would win in case a 7 is rolled sooner than the matching number. At both parts of the game, diverse side bets can be made which will enlarge the player’s odds of winning.

Craps Variations : The terms exercised in Craps possibly will be different from one casino to a new. Mostly, the player who is rolling the dice is known as the “shooter”. A 7 or else 11 roll is known as a ‘natural’.

Craps Tips : One of the excellent strategies usually applied is to lay ‘pass line’ bets or else ‘don’t pass’ bets by placing the true odds bet as soon as the point has been set. You perform this by clicking toward the right of the point chip, and your next true odds bet will be laid. One better bet is to lay the 6 or else 8 to win bet.

Proposition Bets - These bets can be laid whenever you like. Barring the Hardways, they are entirely one-roll bets.

Any craps: You win in case a 2, 3 or else 12 are rolled. Pays 8:1

Any seven: You win in case a 7 is thrown. Pays 5:1

Eleven: You win in case an 11 is rolled. Pays 15:1

Ace deuce: You win in case a 3 is thrown. Pays 15:1

Aces/Boxcars: You win in case a 2 or 12 are rolled. Pays 30:1

Horn Bet – These are bets placed over 2, 3, 11 and 12 moreover placed suddenly. A player wins in case one of these numbers is thrown. The pay-off is decided by the number tossed. The remaining three bets are subsequently lost.


Hardways - The bet over a Hardway number wins in case it is rolled the ‘hard’ way sooner than the ‘easy’ way or else a 7 are thrown i.e. like a double. A Hardways bet over 8 will win on 4-4, also lose over 7, 6-2 if not 5-3.

How To Play Craps

Learning how to play craps is quite simple; however it can appear a bit problematic at first though. In case you hold dreams to join a gambling net of craps players or you simply desire to play craps on a lark, there are definite essential craps rules as well as craps strategies that you need to learn before.

Besides pure casino gambling amusement, the point of playing the craps game is

  • Rolling a precise number sooner than rolling a 7. The initial roll – known as “coming out” decides which number is required to be rolled once more ahead of a seven.
  • This number is termed as a point. A point can be a 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 or else 10.
  • In case a 7 is thrown sooner than the point, (return); your bet is lost, (the game is ended.) then the process begins yet again.
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A few Basic Bets

  • The pass line is perhaps the most essential as well as the very foremost bet you must learn. This is the primary bet in the craps game and is laid ahead of the come out roll. This bet
    • Wins in case a seven or 11 is thrown over the come out roll.
    • Loses in case a two, three, or 12 is thrown over the come out roll.
  • In case a point is thrown over the come out roll, the pass line bet wins in case the point is hit sooner than a seven.

The don't pass line - is the contradictory of the pass line bet. This bet

  • wins in case the pass line loses
  • Loses in case the pass line bet wins.

The come - is laid following the come out roll. Also very similar rules relate to this bet like the pass line bet.

The don't come - is the contradictory of the come this bet

  • wins once the come bets lose

Bet that a specific number will be thrown sooner than a 7

Bets like this are known as 'place' and 'buy' bets, which indicates that diverse numbers have diverse house advantages as well as payouts. Here are a few further odds:

  • 7 rolling: 6 in 36
  • 6 rolling: 5 in 36
  • 8 rolling: 5 in 36
  • 4 rolling: 4 in 36
  • 10 rolling: 4 in 36

Bet that a seven will roll ahead of any specific number - bets like this are what we call 'place loser' as well as 'lay bets'.

This was a bit craps game basic coverage. Apply these rules by playing it over the web for a moment and get used to the bets. After that you are geared up to learn further on the craps casino card game.

Online Craps Rules

Talking on online craps rules, there is pretty a little to memorize. The toughest piece on craps is the betting. The real game alone is rather simple and as soon as you settle the betting deals you will have no troubles in learning how to play the game.

Craps is usually a game wherein numerous people are occupied, though, with online craps, you are playing by yourself, and thus, it is significant to know the online craps rules of play.

Online Craps Rules : Dice

There are two dice caught up in craps. There are numerous diverse roll variations, a few of which have significance whereas others do hold a specific position in the game. As rolls of two, three, seven, eleven, and twelve are important

The places comprise rolls of four, five, six, eight, nine, as well as ten. Among the entire diverse rolls in craps, seven is the central. Lots of people place bets over seven only, winning or losing in case it is thrown.
The player is acknowledged as the shooter, the shooter is the one who will roll the dice. In case the shooter throws two dice having very similar value result, the roll is in that case acknowledged as a hard roll.

A soft roll happens once the rolled dice vary in values. For example, in case the shooter throws a two with two, this is acknowledged as a hard four. In case the shooter throws a two along with five, this is acknowledged as a soft six.

Craps acquire the play once the shooter throws a two, three, or twelve.

Online Craps Rules: Betting

This is where the game of craps happens to puzzle. Two bets acknowledged as don't pass line as well as pass line bets are two of the most essentials within the game. By means of online craps rules, you are supposed to bet by falling chips over either line, by means of your mouse.

Winning by means of these betting in craps are comparatively easy. They give even money also in case the don't pass line wins, the pass line will lose, and as before is valid back to front.

Online Craps Rules: Game Play

The shooter have got to place the bets over the don't pass or else pass line. The come out roll is the first roll placed by the shooter. In case the shooter throws a seven or else eleven over their come out roll, the pass line will be the winner.

Craps Tutorial Simulator

In case the shooter throws a two or else three, the pass line will lose, moreover the don't pass line will win. In case the shooter throws a twelve over the come out, the don't pass line will be considered as a push, also the pass line will win.

A four, five, six, eight, nine, or else ten over the come out roll, is acknowledged as the point also a white puck will be sited on top of that number.

At this time the bets can follow once more by means of free odds betting, this will be a support to the original pass or don't pass bets you laid before. These are wings of the original bets, not fresh bets.

Learn Craps Free Play

There is so a great deal further to learn on the online craps rules, please take a jiffy to do your homework also learn on the subject of the diverse betting as well as shooting strategies. ( Refer Casino Betting Guide )